About the Banners & the Word, "Journal"

Top Banner:  The Journal, by Sharon Lee Hudson
The drawing, The Journal, depicts an imagined journal that is full of entries about caring for pet rabbits, written by the author of this blog.  Next to the journal is a jar of pens, and bubbles playfully fill the air.

The journal is standing up, so that viewers can see it easily.  It is slightly open, and words flow out- words from the entries that indicate what the artist imagines owning a pair of bunnies would be like.  She would love them and care for them.  The bunnies would make her laugh, make her smile, and bring joy to her.  Laughter, smiles, and joy create emotional support.  Since the author has not adopted any rabbits yet, she is only able to dream of what such an experience would be like.

Footer Banner:  After Dinner, by Sharon Lee Hudson
The drawing in the banner, After Dinner, takes place in the future.  In this drawing, the author already has the rabbits and the creatures are having after dinner activities.  One rabbit is "reading" an actual journal, perhaps one written by the author. A bowl of water is by his side.  The other rabbit is playing in a tunnel. Hay and a box full of toys are in the background.

The Word Journal
The word "journal" is used in a variety of ways.  It's an imagined book in the top banner, and an actual book in the bottom banner.  In regards to the blog itself, The Rabbit Journal is actually a collection of blog entries that stem from the author's thoughts, feelings, and experiences that come up while preparing (researching, and now also volunteering for two rabbit rescues) to be a "mom" to two rabbits she will adopt in the future.